Below, you will find links to inspiration and miracle stories throughout the world wide web:
If you
have a story, or know someone who does, I'd be delighted to post it here
for all the world to share. Please e-mail me.
Definition of
a miracle: "An event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific
I've rated these sites
according to my own preferences from 0 - 5 stars*
The Miracles Page (An excellent site !) *****
Christian Answers Network (One of my favorite sites !)*****
From Miracles To Medicine (Other views) ***
Miracles and Wonders of Medjugorje *****
Apparitions and Eucharistic Miracles (Miracles across the globe)(You be the judge)
New Life Church (Online worship and more !) ***
Alcoholics Anonymous (Miracles happen daily at AA)
Do Miracles Still Happen ? (A personal web site about miracles)
Aspects Of A Miracle (miracles of biblical numbers)***
Kids to Kids Bible Understanding: Kids Bible Lessons (see miracles section)
The Trinity Project (interesting site)
Milton Baker's Place (personal web site)
Special thanks to those of you who have contributed your personal sites to this project !